This page is crucial to understanding the metaphors Aquilon and The Scepter.
Aquilon is NATO and mentioned twenty-four times throughout Nostradamus’ prophecies. The Scepter is one of the metaphors for Russia.
...And a thousand other adventures that will happen by water and continual rains, as more plainly I have written down in my
other prophecies which are composed throughout, in prose, limiting the places, times, and the word prefix so that humans
coming after will know [I have] infallibly laid out these adventurous avenues.
As has been noted by others, speaking more clearly, notwithstanding that although under cloud everything will be understood:
When the time comes for the removal of ignorance, the case will be clearer.
Through this discourse, Sire, I present these predictions almost in confusion, and when and in what order they will take place. For the chronology of time which follows, conforms little, if at all with what has been set forth, although it was determined by means of astronomy, and by other sources, even including Holy Scriptures, and thus cannot err. If I wanted to give each quatrain its dating in time, I could have done so. But it would not be agreeable to all, least of all those interpreting them, Sire, until Your Majesty granted me sufficient power to do so, lest calumniators be furnished with the opportunity to bite into me.
Despite those who cannot maintain the malignity of evil spirit as time elapses, after
my earthly extinction my writings will be more vibrant than during my lifetime,
The U.S. and Russia Triplicate Series is easy to understand if readers accept the metaphors;
Aquilon is NATO and mentioned twenty-four times throughout Nostradamus’ prophecies.
In conjunction with phrases in the Epistle to Henry such as the two brothers not-yet brothers, this
Triplicate Series, with the mention of the mythical brothers Castor and Pollux, defines the history
between Russia and the United States since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
People easily lose interest in most subjects as arcane as Nostradamus, so a prediction that takes
over three-decades to manifest will not be so readily obvious. The Big Picture is illusive, and you
have to be old enough to understand the history while assembling and connecting the relevant
prophecies in the body of Nostradamus’ writings.
With Russian naval ships now being sunk in the Black Sea, World War II’s Montreux Convention
has become relevant once again. Only countries that border the Black Sea have a say in what ships
may pass through the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus Straits controlled by Turkey.
Throughout The Quatrains, The Sixains, and The Epistle to Henry, Nostradamus is consistent with the theme of the Two Brothers Who Are Not Yet Brothers.
In Chapter Six I showed readers that Castor and Pollux are symbolic of Russia and the
United States. If the metaphors applied to baseball that means when Global Economic collapse is
at bat, the war between the United States and Russia is on deck.
Here is consistency between The Quatrains and The Sixains. We know that the two brothers are Castor and Pollux, the United States and Russia. The ship, as readers should know by now, is The Bark of Saint Peter, the Boat of the Apostles. And more decisively, readers can also see that The Griffon is named in both The Sixains and The Quatrains.
One of the most difficult concepts that I put forward is that Nostradamus predicted that even after
Russia and the United States go to war, eventually they must become allies to fight the Chinese-Islamic Alliance.
The Kingdom of the Balance is Nostradamus’ metaphor for the United States, and “Septentrion”
or “sceptre” is the metaphor for Russia.
Most importantly, Nostradamus often refers to the United States and Russia as the “Two Brothers.”
In first understanding this relationship, it is necessary to understand Nostradamus’ metaphor for
The seven brightest stars in the constellations of Ursa Major and Minor were known as Septentrion;
its Indo-European roots can mean seven plow oxen. Ursa Major is the Great Bear, an accepted
historical symbol of Russia. Septentrion is one of the various forms found throughout
Nostradamus’ writing; it is an allusion that Nostradamus repeatedly uses for Russia.
It appears that I have been correct in all of my books, Russia and China will be on the same side
during what I call Phase I of World War III.