On February 28th, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation and lightning struck St.
Peter’s Basilica.
Thirteen days before, on February 15th, 2013, the Chelyabinsk meteorite struck Russia. One year
later, on March 5th, 2014, Russia was ready to go to nuclear war over Crimea and NATO’s
February 22nd, 2014 coup d'état in Ukraine.
On November 16th, 2013, as Comet ISON neared the Sun, fragments of the comet began breaking
off. The out-gassing and debris formed wings. The Wendelstein Observatory at the Max Planck
Institute in Munich, Germany photographed this event.
It looked remarkably like the June 27th, 2009 Crop Circles of the Grey Alien with the spacecraft.
I do not know the source or the individual who first noticed the resemblance of the disintegrating
Comet ISON to the June 27th, 2009 Alton Priors Crop Circle, but I could not help noticing the
large sphere being carried by what I believe is a spacecraft.
This same Pope will die when a Third Comet is discovered. Therefore, Nostradamus is pointing out the irony of
Pope Benedict XVI’s Papacy ends with the discovery of Comet ISON, and Pope Benedict XVI dies the night a Third Comet
is appearing in the night sky.
Pope Benedict XVI’s death on December 31st, 2022 came with the arrival of Comet C/2022 E3
(ZTF); therefore, we can consider that the last day the world knew peace was February 23rd, 2022.
The next day Russia’s proxy war with NATO began.
St. Malachy called Pope Benedict XVI, the “Glory of the Olive.” Exactly, 311 days from that last
day of peace, Pope Benedict XVI would be dead.
The irony of related events that coincide with the appearance of comets is a temporal marker that Nostradamus used as signposts. Comet Elenin ushered in the NATO Libyan invasion, Comet ISON ushered in the NATO overthrow of the Ukrainian government, and the next comet will usher in a war between NATO and Russia.
Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks reaches perihelion on April 21st, 2024; Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks also comes in conjunction with a total Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024.
If the St. Malachy prophecy is correct and Pope Francis is Peter the Roman, he will then have to
flee a burning Rome. This has a connection to the Third Fatima Prophecy. Nostradamus covered
The Miracle at Fatima in his Epistle to Henry. He gives the exact days of the lifetime of Soviet
Russia and then the Soviet Union.
As I wrote in both editions of The Age of Desolation, there is the added element of a Triplicate
Series in Nostradamus’ prophecies of a Pope’s death in France that sounds very similar to the
Third Fatima Prophecy.
October 13th, 2017 was the 100th anniversary of the children’s last sighting of The Lady of the Rosary.
In Nostradamus’ Epistle to Henry, I believe he accurately links the lifespan of the Soviet Union to
the last appearance of the Virgin Mary before the three children and seventy-thousand witnesses
in Fatima, Portugal on October 13th, 1917.
The importance of this prediction in The Epistle to Henry escaped me when I first made The
Miracle at Fatima interpretation after the Soviet Union’s collapse and Boris Yeltsin became the
first Russian President.
On May 13th, 1917 three Shepherd children reported seeing and talking with the
“Lady of the Rosary,” who they described as a young, beautiful woman floating in
the sky near the village of Fatima in Portugal. She promised a miracle that would
stun the world and make history.
Five months later, on October 13th, 1917, over seventy-thousand people attended
that miracle. Witnesses reported that the Sun seemed to disappear then reappear
and begin dancing about the sky. All the while, the “Lady of the Rosary” quietly
revealed to the children three prophecies.
After twenty-four days had passed, Soviet Russia came into existence when the
Congress of Soviets assumed power on November 7th, 1917. Whether there is
significance in the number of days between the Fatima predictions and the Soviets
coming to power will always be speculative, but in Revelation 4:4, John of Patmos
recorded that he saw twenty-four elders seated around a rainbow throne.
Just as Nostradamus predicted, the first signs did appear in the spring. In March
1918 Soviet Russia signed a treaty ending its participation in World War I; that
same month it made Moscow its capital.
Many realms did change and become part of the Soviet Empire after World War II.
The Soviet conquests over the Nazis who were engineers of the “first holocaust”
allowed them to enlarge their empire by expanding into Eastern Europe.
The lifetime of the Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union matches exactly from the dates of the last
Miracle at Fatima. Important to that miracle are the three prophecies supposedly given to the three
Two of the children died in the Influenza Epidemic three-years after The Lady of the Rosary’s last
appearance. In 1941, the Bishop of Leiria asked the last surviving child, Maria Lúcia Rosa dos
Santos, who was then Sister Lúcia, to write down the prophecies.
Under pressure, she wrote down the first two.
Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire which seemed to be under the earth.
Plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning
embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in the conflagration, now raised into the air
by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke, now falling back on every side like sparks in a huge fire,
without weight or equilibrium, and amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear.
You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes
to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.
...When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great
sign given you by God that he is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means
of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father.
To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate
Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are
heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread
her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church.
The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various
nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The
Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period
of peace will be granted to the world.
We saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames
that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact
with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand:
...Pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice:
‘Penance, Penance, Penance!
And we saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people
appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it a Bishop dressed in White, we had
the impression that it was the Holy Father.
Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at
the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with
the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in
ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed
for the souls of the corpses he met on his way;
...Having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross
he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the
same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women
Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions.
Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal
aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and
with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.
Does Russia still play a role in the message of Fatima even though the Iron Curtain
has come down...
It does, it does... the message of Fatima still stands… the errors of Russia are now
abroad, and they are abroad… Russia will be converted by my Immaculate Heart
she said... It will be, she said it... but a bit late, but not too late...
So, Russia is still within the plan.
...That would take me too far afield into Papal Secrets.
...Why Russia and Kiev are involved in the final solution to this problem, but they
They’re part and parcel... and it’s really God’s choice... It’s purely and simply
God’s choice...
Just like he chose the Jews to bring the families of the world through them...
He makes choices... he has his own favorite solutions...
I wouldn’t have chosen the Russians or Kiev, or the East for salvation, but
salvation is to come from the East for us all...
Father Malachi Martin stated in the 1991 interview that Russia’s
consecration to The Lady of the Rosary’s “Immaculate Heart” could only come about after the
destruction of the Soviet Union and the releasing of The Third Prophecy of Fatima.
Is this why the Vatican Cardinals chose a Polish Pope; was the collapse of the Soviet Union
Pope John Paul II, and now Saint John Paul II, is regarded as instrumental in one of the greatest
peaceful collapses of an empire in history. His support of the rise of Lech Walesa and The
Solidarity Movement in Poland led to the end of the Soviet Union.
Pope John Paul II finally released The Third Prophecy of Fatima on June 26th, 2000. Some people
contend that the prophecy is deficient or a falsehood. However, I suspect that it is real but
incomplete. Circumstantial evidence and deductive reasoning points to the omission of some
Its publication by the Vatican was forty-years late from the date that Sister Lúcia wanted. I feel
that the Vatican was morally compelled to produce some actual part of the prophecy after the
collapse of the Soviet Union.
The third prophecy was given to the children on July 17th, 1917.
Taken as whole, The Third Prophecy of Fatima does not apply until the consecration of Russia, as
stated by the second prophecy.
It was a reader of my books and website who sent me some me links in 2016 to a 1991 radio
interview with the ultimate Vatican insider and best-selling author, Father Malachi Martin. From
that interview, I understood The Miracle at Fatima’s importance.
Listen to the radio interview of Father Malachi Martin from 1991. The Soviet Union was
collapsing. Quite clearly, at 1:27:10, interviewer Bernard Janzen asks if the consecration of Russia
is underway, and Father Malachi Martin proceeds to describe what the ceremony will look like.
On June 27th, 2000, the Vatican held a press conference with Russia’s former leader, Mikhail
Gorbachev, in attendance. The press conference, which entertained no questions from the press,
was to promote the publication of the late Cardinal Casaroli's memoirs.
As the one-time Vatican Secretary of State, the late Cardinal Casaroli had written The Vatican Moscow Agreement,
which refused to condemn Soviet Communism.
After repeated delays, the Vatican Press Office has officially announced that the
Third Secret of Fatima will be published on June 26, 2000 at a press conference to
be held at 11:30 a.m. in the John Paul II Hall of the Press Office.
Since Father Malachi Martin was a respected Vatican insider, his mentioning the city of Kiev in
Ukraine in conjunction with The Miracle at Fatima generates an argument that the release of The
Third Prophecy of Fatima was incomplete. Nowhere in the Vatican press release of the third secret
is Russia or Kiev mentioned.
After the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Kiev on February 24th, 2022, we now understand where
Father Malachi Martin was going.
The question is, “who invades Rome?” Obviously, in 2023, we can deduce that it must be the
Russians or one of their allies.
Since The Miracle at Fatima is integral to Nostradamus’ Epistle to Henry and identifying Russia,
it leads to other predictions and a future alliance between Russia and the United States, even after
both countries go to war.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 21:1
After this the sterile Dame, of greater power than the second, will be received by two peoples.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 21:1
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, religious oppression in Russia will come to an end. Both East and West will receive the Christian Church equally.
As I have recounted in the paragraphs above, Russia’s return to Christianity was formally
recognized by the release of The Third Prophecy of Fatima. Nostradamus saw this, and even Edgar
Cayce predicted that the “greater hope of the world would come from Russia’s religious
Readers must then ask the question, why did these prophets seem to recognize that “future
salvation,” as Vatican insider Malachi Martin said, would come through Russia?
Edgar Cayce gave these readings below about the future of Russia before the Three Prophecies of
Fatima had been released to the public.
Edgar Cayce: Reading: 3976-8 – January 15, 1932
8. (Q) What should be the attitude of so-called capitalist nations toward Russia?
(A) On Russia's religious development will come the greater hope of the world.
[See 3976-10, Par. R4, R6.] Then that one, or group, that is the closer in its
relationships, may fare the better in the gradual changes and final settlement of
conditions as to the rule of the world.
9. (Q) Should the United States recognize the present government in Russia?
(A) Many conditions should be considered, were this to be answered correctly. You
could say yes and no, and both be right, with the present attitude of both peoples
as a nation, and both be wrong; for there IS to come, there WILL come, an entire
change in the attitude of both nations as powers in the financial and economical
As for those of raw resources, Russia surpasses all other nations. As for
abilities for development of same, those in the United States are the farthest ahead.
Then these UNITED, or upon an equitable basis, would become - or COULD
become - powers; but there are many interferences for those already investments,
those already under questions, will take years to settle.
Edgar Cayce: Reading: 3976-29 - June 22, 1944
12. What then of nations? In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that
sometimes termed of the Communistic, of the Bolshevistic; no. But freedom,
freedom! that each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born.
It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of
the world. Guided by what? That friendship with the nation that hath even set on
its present monetary unit "In God We Trust."
(Do ye use that in thine own heart when you pay your just debts? Do ye use that in thy prayer when ye send thy missionaries to other lands?
"I give it, for in God we trust"? Not for the other fifty cents either!)
Does publishing almost ninety-year-old prophecies in 2023 make me a Russian sympathizer. I
cannot erase sixteen-years of web posts and publishing five books with the same Edgar Cayce
quotes. Maybe Edgar Cayce was a Russian sympathizer.
As I was completing Nostradamus and Third Age of Mars, I realized that I had missed a very
important historical fact. In Chapter II, I wrote that Nostradamus’ main theme was written around
his three Antichrists, Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, and Barack Obama. Russia has already
fought the first two; maybe they were destined to fight all three Antichrists.
In Nostradamus' Epistle to Henry, he describes the pinnacles of military power for each of The Children of the Great Sterile Dame.
The Eastern Orthodox Church represents The Second Son and Russia.
The Russian army marching over the Alps will be the pinnacle achievement in war for The Second Son of the Great Dame.
How this will materialize is the question. The United States and Russia will first be enemies and go to war over events in Syria and Iran.
Ultimately, both sides will unite to fight the Chinese-Islamic Alliance.
How far Russia will move into Europe after hostilities with NATO begin is not clear...
As you will read in the chapters ahead, Russia will penetrate deeply into Europe. The ambiguity
in this prediction is at what point in the war does this happen. Phase I ends with Nuclear War,
followed by The False Peace, and then Phase II is where everything gets very Biblical.
Where I was wrong in my first book is that the invasion of Europe is going to come from Italy and
over the Alps. There seem to be two movements over the Alps at the beginning of Phase II and at
the end of Phase II going in the opposite direction.
In the pages ahead, I describe what drives “the furious one [to] descend Great St. Bernard Pass;”
it might be a terrorist nuclear explosion in Italy.
We note in Quatrain V-47: “And greater harm through Austria and Pannonias (Hungary).”
We note in Quatrain V-48: “A great affliction from the scepter [Russia]... A fleet from Africa will
appear before the Pannonians (Hungarians).”
We note in Quatrain VIII-15: “The two eclipsed such that they become the hunted; And for Pannon
(Hungary) life and death reinforced.”
These examples and references to Hungary should show every critic of Nostradamus’ work the
consistency of his narrative and theme.
On May 17th, 1800, Napoleon Bonaparte led his army reserves over the Alps hoping to catch the
Austrian army by surprise as it sieged the city of Genoa under the control of André Masséna, one
of Napolean’s eighteen Marshals of the Empire.
Great St. Bernard Pass connects Martigny in Switzerland with Aosta in Italy.
Russia will do the opposite. From its occupation of Italy, Russia and the troops of The Great Duke
of Armenia and the troops under The Macedonian will cross over the Alps through Great St.
Bernard Pass and into Switzerland.
“Veneration of Jupiter” or a “Jovialist” is a Nostradamus’ tongue-in-cheek reference to capitalists and globalists. As you will read with the rest of that paragraph, the Russian army will pass the ruins of the Temple of Jupiter as they cross the Alps through St. Bernard’s pass to invade Central Europe.
The U.S. and Russia Triplicate Series is easy to understand if readers accept the metaphors;
Aquilon is NATO and mentioned twenty-four times throughout Nostradamus’ prophecies.
In conjunction with phrases in the Epistle to Henry such as the two brothers not-yet brothers, this
Triplicate Series, with the mention of the mythical brothers Castor and Pollux, defines the history
between Russia and the United States since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
People easily lose interest in most subjects as arcane as Nostradamus, so a prediction that takes
over three-decades to manifest will not be so readily obvious. The Big Picture is illusive, and you
have to be old enough to understand the history while assembling and connecting the relevant
prophecies in the body of Nostradamus’ writings.
Here is another example of how The Nostradamus Butterfly Effect works in conjunction with
history and Nostradamus Math. There are two very important predictions in this Quatrain. Russia
elected its first President, Boris Yeltsin, on June 12th, 1991.
Exactly thirteen-years later, on May 1st, 2004, the European Union absorbed many former Warsaw
Pact countries. It is the single, largest day of the European Union’s expansion.
I have touched upon the prediction in The Epistle to Henry of the main cause of World War III. It
is NATO’s expansion east. Former Warsaw pact allies of Russia became NATO allies who began
surrounding Russia with missile systems. Russia finally drew the line with Ukraine in 2022.
However, Quatrain V-78 gives readers an important clue on the spark that initiates the
confrontation between NATO and Russia. “The Barbarian Satrap will cause such a loss on both sides.”
“Satraps” were once vassal states of the Persian Empire. I suggest that this implies that the current
alliance between Russia and Iran will eventually spark a global call-to-arms for all Muslims.
Eventually, a massive Islamic alliance will form that is many orders of magnitude larger than the
Russian military. After an alliance with China, it will overshadow and threaten Russia. This is in
Nostradamus’ prophecies.
It is possible that Al-Mahdi will unite over a billion Muslims into his army and then add to that the
Chinese. This will happen after Iran, Russia, and elements of the Turkish army conquer Israel.